Friday, December 21, 2018

Commentary on Galatians 3:25-29


A Summary of Galatians 3:25-29~With the coming of Christ the services of the pedagogue ceased. Now all, Jews and Gentiles, who believe, are sons of God in Jesus Christ, united to Christ by faith and Baptism; and, as thus united, the Galatians are also, as He is, the seed of Abraham, and consequently heirs of the inheritance promised to Abraham.

Gal 3:25. But after the faith is come, we are no longer under a pedagogue.

This verse marks the conclusion of what has preceded, and at the same time introduces an account of the privileges which the Galatians enjoy.

After the faith, etc., i.e., after Christ has come.

Gal 3:26. For you are all the children of God by faith, in Christ Jesus.

For (γαρ) introduces the reason why all, Jews and Gentiles, are no longer under a pedagogue, namely, because all are now sons of God, of mature age, with full rights, united by faith to Christ, the perfect man.

It is disputed whether the words in Christ Jesus should be joined with children of God or with faith. The former is preferred by Cornely: “You are the children of God in Christ Jesus,” i.e., through your union with Christ Jesus, to whom you are united by faith and love. The second construction appeals to Lagrange as more natural, according to the order of the words. “It is very true,” he says, “that we become sons of God through union with Christ, but this union commences with faith, and thence produces its effect.”

Gal 3:27. For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ.
Those who in the preceding verse join “Christ Jesus” with “children of God” explain the present verse as follows: You are sons of God as being united with Christ, and you are united with Christ because you have put Him on in Baptism. Those who unite “Christ Jesus” with “faith” see in this verse a proof of the divine filiation: You are the sons of God through faith, because by Baptism, an act of faith, you have put on Christ. In both explanations it is understood that Christ is the Son of God. Cf. Lagrange, h. 1.

This dignity of sonship, this union with Christ, has been effected by Baptism, the exterior and logical conclusion of faith. To put on Christ means to assume the character of Christ, to clothe one’s self with Christ’s dispositions and qualities. The purpose of the metaphor here is to express a most intimate union, in virtue of which Christians really become participants in the sonship of God with the full rights and privileges of sons. By putting on Christ “you are brought to one kindred and one form with Him (Christ). . . . You have all one form, one impress, that of Christ” (St. Chrys.) ; “You are made of the same form with the Son of God. . . . Being then made partakers of Christ, you are rightly called other Christs” (St. Cyril of Jer.).

Gal 3:28. There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Since all those who have received Baptism have put on Christ, that is, are united to Him in a most intimate manner, it follows that there is no longer any distinction between Jew and Gentile, bond or free, male or female; religiously no differences exist, national or social, but all form one moral and mystical body with Christ their head.

The Vulgate unum is εις in Greek, meaning one man in Christ Jesus.

Gal 3:29. And if you be Christ’s, then are you the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise.

The conclusion is clear and definite: If all are united as in one man with Christ, then all are heirs to the inheritance promised to Abraham and his seed, Christ. In other words: You are all members of Christ (Gal 3:27-28); but to Christ through Abraham were the promises made (Gal 3:); therefore these promises extend to you and to you alone (Sales).

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